

Assist in meeting the physical and emotional needs of the Church Body and the surrounding communities.

College & Young Adult

Assist in preparing college and young adults to live a Christ centered life in response to today’s culture.

Creative Arts

Provides an avenue to those of all ages, who chooses to worship the Lord through Dance, Drama and other creative ministries.

Education & Prayer

Functions to assist in maturing the Body with ongoing Biblical Instruction and intercessory prayer support. 


Encourage gathering of small groups based on age, gender and/or life situations for fellowship.


Functions to create a warm and hospitable atmosphere which will serve as a foundation for a great worship experience.


Serves to preserve our history, legacy, and enhance the physical building structure as well as encourage maintenance of our personal bodies.

Music & Multimedia

Serves to present a comprehensive music program that will Glorify God and prepare the heart of each worshipper to receive the Word of the Lord.

New Member

Assist those who are new to the Body of Christ at Mt Hebron in making a smooth transition into our Church Family.


Leads the Church in carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by extending an arm into the communities locally, nationally, and internationally with the goal of sharing the Love of Jesus.

Children's & Youth

Leads Mt. Hebron in reaching and ministering a comprehensive age-related discipleship program to those age one year through high school.

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